** Falcon Information Update **
The storms that rolled through yesterday did more damage than we had thought.
Several sites have been damaged and it will take some time for the repairs to be completed.
We are currently working to restore internet service to the sites that are still functioning so those who have power may have service.
Please understand that we have had several sites damaged and in order to repair them all we will need to replace pipes and mounts and radios.
Some clients will start to see a return of service as we work our way out from the center and re-align radio equipment and replace links.
We can not emphasize enjoy that this will not be completed in a matter of hours, but more realistically a day or two.
Check HERE for updates of sites that are repaired as we work our way through the damage.
Thank you for your patience and let’s check on our neighbours and friends and make sure everyone is safe out there.
It was a heck of a storm!
The Falcon Internet Team